
When writing an app or new feature in Derby, you should typically start by writing its view. Derby templates can be written in HTML or Jade with derby-jade. Templates define HTML/DOM output, data bindings, event listeners, and component parameters.

Creating views

Views are written in HTML files. These files are parsed and added to a Derby app with the app.loadViews() method. This method synchronously reads template files, traverses their includes, and calls app.views.register() for each view.


  • filename File path to root template file at which to start loading views

app.views.register(name, source, options)

  • name View name to add
  • source Derby HTML source
  • options:
    • tag Name of an HTML tag that will render this view
    • attributes Space separated list of HTML tags interpreted as an attribute when directly within the view instance
    • arrays Space separated list of HTML tags interpreted as an array of objects attribute when directly within the view instance
    • unminified Whitespace is removed from templates by default. Set true to disable
    • string True if the template should be interpreted as a string instead of HTML

view = app.views.find(name, [namespace])

  • name View name to find
  • namespace (optional) Namespace from which to start the name lookup
  • view Returns the view template object

Each view is wrapped in a tag that names it. This name must end in a colon to differentiate it from a normal HTML tag. These tags can’t be nested, and they need not be closed.

  <h1>Hello, sir.</h1>


is equivalent to:

app.views.register('serious-title', '<h1>Hello, sir.</h1>');
app.views.register('friendly-title', '<h1>Howdy!</h1>');

Using views

You can instantiate a view in a template with the <view> tag, {{view}} expression, or by giving the view a tag name. Typically, you should use the <view> tag in HTML templates. The {{view}} expression is useful when writing string templates or wish to include a view in an HTML attribute, script tag, or style tag. Custom tag names are global to an application. They are recommended for general purpose components, like <tabs> or <dropdown>, but not for ordinary views.

<serious-title: tag="seriousness">
  <h1>Hello, sir.</h1>

  <!-- Recommended form -->
  <view is="serious-title"></view>
  <!-- Self-closing tag syntax is also supported -->
  <view is="serious-title" />
  <!-- Expression form is used for non-HTML templates -->
  {{view 'serious-title'}}
  <!-- Custom tags may be defined for views -->
  <seriousness />

Views may be looked up dynamically with an expression. If the view isn’t found, nothing will be rendered.

  <!-- Dynamic view lookup based on an expression -->
  <view is="{{type}}-title"></view>
  {{view type + '-title'}}

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